Wednesday, July 30, 2014

july 30, 2014

25 days ago was a day I counted down to for 192 wedding day. I am sure one day soon I will post 500 pictures and write all about how perfect July 5th was, but not today. Today I want to talk about July 29th.

           July 29th I moved to Alaska. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think that sentence would come out of my mouth. For those that know me, know that I am always up for a fun road trip or a spontaneous adventure. For those that REALLY know me, know that I am also just as content in my Grinch pajamas playing dominoes with my family or binge-watching episode after episode of some TV show on the couch. I love being home. I love being with my family at home.  So, needless to say, the thought of being 4400 miles away gave me an expected sense of nervousness. Don’t get me wrong, I was PUMPED to be able to finally go and be in the same zip code as my husband, after spending our entire engagement apart. But, even with the biggest excitements of a move, there was one thing I was absolutely dreading…all the goodbyes.

Emotions are not something I shy away from, and I could already see all the ugly crying that was going to happen. While there was plenty of that (trust me), I ended up experiencing a different emotion than expected. Gratefulness. I am extremely grateful for every single one of my tearful goodbyes. I am grateful to have the relationships I do where there is so much support for the new chapter in my life, but also the sadness of me leaving. Yes, I said it, I’m glad that people are sad I left. Sounds strange and selfish, I know, but its true. Their sadness just says to me that I am as much of a blessing in their life as they are in mine. What a humbling thought!

With this new military life that I have married into, there will be inevitable goodbyes that are to come with every move.  I can only pray that we are able to build a home and build friendships wherever we are that will make me sad to leave. That will be a true blessing.

For those still reading (mom), these goodbyes are the reason for my blog. I want to share my new adventures in marriage, army life, and especially Alaska. I always have a lot say and I feel as though I have a way to find humor in everyday life. Although I am still trying to find the humor in having to sleep on an air mattress for the next month and the fact that a  giant cannon went of outside my window EARLY this morning , I hope somebody can. While I am trying to bring a little bit of the South to Alaska, I hope I can maybe give you a piece of Alaska all the way down South.



Saturday, July 26, 2014

hey there

I am Anna Mullins, a Tennessee-raised 24 year-old living in the Last Frontier State, Alaska. I am the new wife of the most handsome soldier in the United States Army and my best friend of 17 years, Justin.  Justin and I both have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and together we pursue Him passionately. I am a lover of reality TV, Pinterest, and game nights at home. I am excited to take you on my journey as I begin my new chapter of life as an army-wife in Alaska!

a few fun facts about me:
-With a hot glue gun in hand, I believe anything is possible

-I read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers at least once every year, and cry just as hard as I did reading it the first time.
-Monday nights are sacred to me. Even in Alaska, Amy Hull and I will watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette, even if it has to be over FaceTime.
- I love peanut butter and deviled eggs. Not together!
- I am a nervous laugher as well as a Free Weeper
- I believe Hallmark Christmas movies should play year around. Justin disagrees.
-I have the greatest family. No question.
-For all you 90s kids, I got a pie in the face AND slimed on Nickelodeon’s Slime Time Live. That makes me famous, right?
-I have a personal bubble space and I enforce it.
-Sarcasm is my spiritual gift

