Sunday, January 18, 2015

january 18, 2015

7 days….Justin has now been gone for 7 days to California (attending some school with his company). I wasn’t going to mention him being gone for safety reasons, (so if you are a bad guy reading this, I HAVE A VICIOUS GUARD DOG) but you need to know that for what I am about to tell you.

Before Justin left, I had a very serious conversation with him. The topic of conversation was : How big of an emergency does it have to be before I can call you/your leader so you can come home? (Completely normal, so don’t worry). Here are the results of this conversation:
-       Broken arm = no
-       Broken leg =no
-       Broken arm AND broken leg = no
-       TWO broken legs = yes
-       If I am on life support = yes
-       If Roo is on life support = no (sorry Roo)

The Friday before he left, I had to go to the doctor for my knee. It had been hurting for a few months and it finally got to the point where I needed to go (aka Justin tattled to my mom). Turns out I had IT band problems that led to knee cap problems and some other big words, all to be healed through physical therapy. No big deal.

Fast forward a few days….

Justin is gone, Roo has knocked me down, I land on my knee, and I go back to the doctor. I can’t drive. I can’t walk. I can’t do anything except dread my next doctors appointment where he is going to “get my knee back on track”. (Side note, if you are reading this Dr. Die (yes, that is his name) you don’t ever have to verbalize that something is going to hurt pretty bad, I already assume that).

Here is a little multiple-choice quiz on how you think I handled my doctors visit alone AFTER I tried to talk my way out of everything he was going to do:
A.     I asked him to hold my hand
B.     I cried for my mom
C.     He had to carry my like a baby to a trashcan near the bathroom because I thought I was going to throw up
D.    All of the above

If you answered D, you would be correct.

So now I am on the couch, resting my knee, reading a book called “How NOT to act at the Doctors office”.

And no, he never held my hand.

But he did pat my back until I quit crying and was breathing normal again. He is a good guy that Dr. Die.

I learned two lessons in all this :
1.     It is never as fun to do nothing when you HAVE to do nothing
2.     Don’t joke about breaking bones

Being pretty immobile, taking out my dog was more difficult. My neighbors have been really great with helping me, and driving me to doctors appointments, and making sure I have food.

One of these days, I was sitting in a chair outside while Roo was running around AND SHE RAN AND JUMPED INTO A STRANGERS CAR BECAUSE THEY HAD BURGER KING IN THE FRONT SEAT!!! Guys, you can’t even make this stuff up.

We had a long discussion about stranger danger that night!

For her punishment, she had to watch The Bachelor with me.

She was worse than Justin watching the Bachelor.

Can I just say for those of you actually watching the Bachelor, ASHLEY S?!?!?!? What in the world?!?!?!?!

Also, I spent over 45 minutes trying to find out one of the girls lipstick color. I didn’t find it.  

You know I always love ending my blog with pictures of my baby, but today I have a real reason to do that. Today is Roo’s birthday!!!

She enjoyed dining on pig ears, rawhides, and doggy ice cream.

She also really hated her hat, but I forced her to wear it.

She has brought me so many smiles, snuggles, and now a knee brace in the time she has been in our family. I love her so much!
She misses her daddy. I miss him too!

{If there are any books I need to read or movies I need to watch, let me know!}



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