Tuesday, August 5, 2014

august 5, 2014

I have officially been living in Alaska for a week. I have caught boatloads of halibut, killed a few elk, and went dog sledding twice. HA! Only kidding. I remember to turn off the oven after I cook dinner and I feel as though I have been extremely productive. I normally wont go a week without posting, not because I think y’all are just hanging on every word, but because I barely remember what I ate for breakfast, much less all the details of my week. One thing I vividly remember happened last Wednesday…excuse the rambling that is about to take place:

I visited a church on a Wednesday night all by myself. That doesn’t sound too dramatic or really even worth writing about, but oh trust me it was. This might sound crazy but I have never visited a church alone. I have been a member of two churches in my entire life and both I attended with my family. Justin had to work on Wednesday night, so it just seemed natural for me to go to church. My, oh my, I have a WHOLE new respect for visitors. I look up times for a Wednesday night prayer service and plug the address in my GPS. I have been in church my entire life, I am in church multiple times a week, I know church. I pull into the parking lot and all of that did not matter. I am about to take you inside my brain at that moment (scary, I know) (also you have to read it as fast as a movie sounds when you are fast forwarding)

“ Wow this church is bigger that I thought. Where do I go? OMG Let me check the website again just in case I got the time wrong. Ok yea good I am 15 minutes early, not too early, not too late. But seriously, where do I go!? Ok Anna, calm down, you’ve circled the building 3 times, just park and walk in. You can do this. Ok, apparently this is the wrong door considering its locked…..don’t panic don’t panic be cool be cool. Ok you finally found the right door. Find the restroom ASAP, if you find the restroom you can avoid awkwardly standing there alone. Ok Anna, you just took two layers of skin off washing your hands for 5 minutes, go out there. Ok Ok Ok surely someone will talk to me…………………okkkkkk I’ll find a seat. What if I take someone’s seat? Ah who cares? 6 rows from the front, close but not too close. Seriously, I showered people, you can sit around me…… ok good its starting. Breathe breathe breathe.”

Y’all. This was terrifying. Next time you are in church, maybe walk in a different door to the sanctuary, maybe switch up your seats, maybe just pay attention to the poor pathetic girl talking to herself because nobody else is! Don’t get in a routine of getting right to your seat, people out there need somebody to go out of their way to make them feel comfortable. In that moment, I didn’t care if it was a 11 year old girl or a 98 year old man, I needed somebody. This was such an eye –opener for me.  Visiting a new church is intimidating, I can’t imagine going into a church for the first time ever. Break out of your routine and love on people.

Ok rant over.  By the way though, I loved the church! Justin and I both went on Sunday and we are praying about whether this is the Church God wants us to plant our lives.

The rest of the week has been crazy. From Justin’s unpredictable work schedule to the daunting to-do list of things that just keeps growing, I have learned so much. I thought I would end this post with a few things I have learned living on a military base. I can already see Justin’s head shaking with shame.


This is on a post in the parking lot of the Commissary. Obviously this was a moose crossing sign.  I was so excited thinking that I could be nonchalantly walking to the car with a moose. Since my one goal while I’m here in Alaska is to see a wild moose, I figured I would come to this parking lot everyday. (Ok ok I have two goals, I also want to meet Sarah Palin.) Then my dreams were shattered…..ok that was too dramatic, but still I was upset.  This next picture was on one post over:

Obviously whales will not be frequenting the Commissary parking lot. It was then I realized, these were pictures posted to help people remember where they park. I park in Moose every time!  I still believe!

2. There is this sign on the side of the road that says, “ STOP here if red”. I learned this week that if they say “ STOP on red”, THEY MEAN STOP ON RED OR A HUMONGOUS AIRPLANE WILL LAND IN WHAT SEEMS LIKE INCHES AWAY FROM YOUR CAR! Since then, I noticed a small sign before the “Stop here if red” sign that says “ Low Flying Aircraft”. I mean….. I’m not the smartest traffic law person, but I’m thinking that sign should be a little more prominent.

3. I learned this week how much I took for granted that my mother always kept Orange Juice (my favorite) in the refrigerator. That stuff is expensive.  Thanks mom!!

I am sure I have a lot more to learn.

This week held a few more big moments.

-My 24th birthday
Justin took me to Cattle Company for my birthday dinner

-My LITTLE sisters first day of senior year

We moved into our first house together

I got my first Military ID- Justin says I can’t post a picture of this moment because it its “illegal”

Being married is the most fun thing ever! Thank you so much for following our journey. Until next time.



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